The Penix farm House August 27th 1999

Winfield, Ohio


An Over view if the valley of camp 14.  From the road this way is the Old Penix Farm which includes the barn.  I am standing on one of the hills in back of the place.  The Church where the Plaque is located is on the right hill.  Across the road is the Silo that belongs to the Fisher Farm where the 2 streams come together.

A closer view showing where the 2 streams come together.  Look beyond the barn and silo until you see main tree line going back and then one coming across.  The stream that came through the Penix farm and where also part of the 3,000 men camped, is located to the right of barn and is was buried with field tile in 1951.  The black and white photo (last on this page) is a photo taken in 1908.  It shows the Penix stream.

Slightly different over view

Closer view of the church where the Ohio Historical Society placed the plaque.

I am now standing on the far hill from where I first stood for the first photos.

Another view from the same hill across from the Penix farm and standing near the Fisher Farm where the 2 streams actually come together.

This photo was taken in 1908 of the Penix Farm, and the baseball field of the Winfield Red Legs.  A team associated with the Cincinnati Red Legs back then.  Now the Cincinnati Reds.  You can see the stream just this side of the diamond, and passing through the lower field this side of the shocks on the way to the road and the other stream.

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